Thursday, August 2, 2018

Modern Sri Lankan Renaissance (2015 - 2020) : A set of articles investigating the treasury bond scam of 2015, Sri Lanka By Mr. Shyam Nuwan Ganewatte [කවුද හොරා සහ බැදුම්කර මගඩිය ගැන තවත් ලිපි - ශ්‍යාම් නුවන් ගනේවත්ත]

This set of articles titled "Modern Sri Lankan Renaissance (2015-2020)" will discuss many aspects of Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal issues of modern day Sri Lanka. 

'Renaissance' according to, word means "any similar revival in the world of art and learning".

In the study of management this methodology is called "PESTEL/PESTLE"

These 6 letters will cover the relevant external environmental factors given above. 

[Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal] 

By studying these 6 environments the decision maker, strategic policy formulator and creator will be able to achieve maximum productivity of what they are actually implementing in business or in any activity.

So in order to conduct this 'PESTEL' analysis, it is vital to understand that it is based on an academic research or a reliable book publication which is available for sale in the current market.

In this relevant post, the discussion is based on 6 articles which was published on "2017 December" to "2018 January" on a Sinhalese newspaper "Divaina", written by Mr. Shyam Nuwan Ganewatta whose focus was on a current financial system scandal on Sri Lanka Central Bank (CBSL) which incurred losses to the government and public in a biased a treasury bonds transaction.

The writer fearlessly attacks and creates strong accusations for the relevant authorities and the relevant criminal parties whose related to this current financial system scam. The articles have included evidence as well.

(01) 1st Article discusses the United National Party (UNP) and their committee to investigate the treasury bond scam. Mr. Thilak Marapana (UNP parliamentarian) and a banker Mr. Ranjith Fernando were some of the members of this committee.

(02) The 2nd article discusses the Treasury bond scam investigation committee report and how it became a public document of Sri Lanka because of the current president Mr. Maithripala Sirisena. The Writer believes praises Mr.Dappula De  Livera and Mr.Yasantha Kodagoda for their role played in the Attorney general department based on this investigation.

(03) The 3rd article discusses the legal proceedings of the Treasury bond scam investigation committee and the roles played by Mr. Hemantha Warnakulasooriya (Presidents Council) against the wrong decisions allowing the criminals to escape from many legal loopholes ('Aluth Parlimenthuwa' - Derana TV) and Mr. Dappula De Livera as a lawyer in the Attorney general department. 

The lack of interest shown in the investigation by the head of the Attorney general department was highlighted in the article.

(04) The 4th Article also emphasizes Mr. Dappula De Livera's role played as a lawyer in the Attorney general department in the investigation.    

(05) The 5th Article is based on speeches made by with Mr.Ajith Niward Cabraal and Mr. Nalaka Godahewa. They clearly make accusations to the former chairman of the Central Bank [Mr. Arjun Mahendran] and assistant chairman [Mr. P Samarasiri].

(06) The 6th Article is based on how Mr. Hemantha Warnakulasooriya (Presidents Council) points out how the relevant evidence was hidden from investigation since 2015 June. 

The writer establishes his hypothesis through his six (06) articles spanning for 2 months concluding that by maintaining justice to this largest financial white-collar crime in the recent history of our country it will enable Sri Lanka to move forward with good governance in every sector, private or public.


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