Friday, January 27, 2017

Habitual Reader

Now like we discussed in the previous article on my comeback to reading this is about the benefits I find being a "habitual reader".

Reading is basically the fundamental door to a broader perspective.

Unlike visual media where the visual creator builds on the fantasy or the reality to the audience or the spectacle, the writer on other hand describes and the mind of the reader works independently and his vision to the world is unique to him, the reader. Now this is fiction, fantasy or Nonfiction.

If you read self help books or books related to your professional or academic life it will expand on your vision on the respective professional field giving you competitive advantage against others.

Now we know the fundamental benefits, why you should be a habitual bookworm? It's simple.

The life of a modern professional is strictly busy. But it requires extreme levels of exposure in many related areas of education. And the door is reading, so building a habit of reading is a must in my opinion.

How do you build on it?

Now as a person who believes that he can't read should first should change his mindset on getting the habit right.

Build on slowly, chapter a day.

And my personal comment is to always make a review on the books.

It will expand your reading experiences.


·         Image: 50 most popular images on reading (2017). Format : (jpg) Available at : (Accessed date : 2017/01/28) Booker

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