Saturday, January 28, 2017

2016 : Reading Inception

2016 though one of the most toughest years of my life I managed to read several books and I would like to summarize and close it off.

(01) Strategic Reflections : Based on Hilmy Cader's column in the Daily FT

This book is a thought provoking "management and business" book that establishes on the innovation and thinking.

A unique reading experience for students and knowledge - workers to learn to apply theories in a more practical and an innovative manner.

(02) 29 Immortal Soldiers by Prasad Polwatte

This is a book written on the Sri Lankan soldiers and their heroics at the 30 year old civil war.

This book deeply analyses 29 soldiers who sacrificed there life for the benefit of the mission and the war.

This is a summarised book on the missions and the value of the book is there are lack of books on war and soldiers who sacrificed their life.

English translation is a better version of the same book in sinhala.

(03) You & Your Problems by Dr. K Sri Dhammananda

This book reflects on a more wider vision on life and how buddhism comes to help with a universal and global perspective and the writer brings it out in a much more simpler manner to the reader.

(04) Food for the thinking mind by Dr. K Sri Dhammananda

Simply put there is no originality in the book other than the writers introduction to each quotes.

But the writer has managed to bring down the best for the reader giving a refreshing take on life and philosophy.

Now these were the english books I read. There not perfect but they were good reads.

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