Sunday, July 25, 2021

Rienzie T Wijetilleke : The Banker, The Man, The Legend by Gaston De Rosayro - A story of a transformational leader


In the study of management, there are several leadership styles and frameworks discussed by theorists and practical users.

Kurt Lewin discovered Lewin's Leadership styles that can be classified as follows.

(01) Authoritarian Leadership (Autocratic)
(02) Participative Leadership (Democratic)
(03) Delegative Leadership (Laissez-faire)

In addition to these leadership styles, Lewin identified several others as well.

(04) Transformational Leadership
(05) Transactional Leadership
(06) Situational Leadership

The biography of Mr. Rienzie T. Wijetilleke (RTW) reflects a transformational leader.

Transformational leaders are able to motivate and inspire followers and direct positive changes in groups.

In the 'Foreward' Mr. Upali de Silva, a former Senior Deputy General Manager of Hatton National Bank (HNB) praises Mr. RTW's leadership skills and his undoubtful perseverance in gaining achievements that lead to the success of the bank and the country's goals.

In the 'Preface' of the book, RTW himself shares his ideas about the biography and his road to success enabling the readers to understand the thought process of the protagonist of the book.

The book contains an introduction by the biographer Gaston De Rosayro praising the life and qualities of Mr. RTW and how he supported in achieving the completion of the book in a grand manner.

In the initial chapters, the writer elaborates on the childhood of Mr. RTW with a nostalgic vibe. As a reader who is two generations apart from Mr. RTW the understanding about pre and post-colonial era is a revelation. The writer also manages to summarise all the things the readers need to know about the past and the beginnings of Mr. RTW.

Mr. RTW joins BOC (Bank Of Ceylon) in the 1960s. He also met the legendary banker, Ms. Rohini Nanayakkara at the BOC Personnel department which leads to a long-lasting friendship. 

The book shows Mr. RTW's "work hard" and "work smart" attitude garnered him respect and career growth at BOC during his stay.

In 1972 Mr. RTW joins HNB which is a career-expanding decision.

Since 1972 by his strategic vision and powerful management skills as an experienced banker Mr. RTW was able to initiate many changes in the bank. He established the Hatton National Bank Officers' Association and also transformed many branch expansions throughout the country.

In 1979 Mr. RTW was transferred to the city office/head office as head of the exports department. On December 31 of that same year, Mr. RTW was told that he was going to be promoted to the post of Manager of the HNB's City office as of January 1, 1980. With that decision, Mr. RTW hands over his resignation to HNB.

In 1983 Mr. RTW flew to Dubai, Uniter Arab of Emirates (UAE). He was holding the position of facilities controller of the British Bank of the middle east.

In 1987, after the request of the then managing director Mr. Dharmaraja, Mr. RTW rejoins HNB as Deputy General Manager.

A year later he becomes the managing director of HNB succeeding Mr. Dharmaraja.

Gami Pubuduwa (Village Reawakening) was HNB's version of micro-financing supporting the government's Janasaviya (Empowering people) program. This initiative was taken during Mr. RTW's leadership as managing director.

Mr. RTW was able to become from Managing Director to Chairman which is a rare success story for a banker who started from the initial level of a banking career to reach the highest position of a Licensed Commercial Bank. (LCB)

In "Chapter twenty-three - Reflections of the man", the transformation Mr.RTW did in HNB is reflected as follows,

"When Rienzie took over, says Chandula, the HNB was a small bank with an after-tax profit of 35 million and an asset base of Rs. 3 billion, a staff of 1000 and only 30 branches. Today, however, there are 160 branches with a staff of 4300 and assets of Rs. 218 billion."

-Pg. 145-

On pages 132-133 the book exposes the readers to a very crucial and controversial fact of the Sampath Bank saga.

As an employee of Sampath Bank PLC I followed up these accusations by Mr. RTW on Sampath Bank's reaction to HNB's "take over" attempt and found these things to be one sided. But as a believer of democracy Mr.RTW as a renowned and a legendary banker has the right to criticize and reveal some of the misconducts he found disgraceful to the public.

This book as a banker in training gives hope to the readers to see an entry level banker achieve highest zenith in his banking career through perserverance and dedication.

This book reveals to the modern readers the nostalgic setting of the post and pre colonial eras, giving an understanding to how we are moulded to what we are today as Sri Lankans. And also the book gives guidance to the modern generation to follow ideals from the past and achieve greater heights in the future and become good professionals.


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