Saturday, June 13, 2020

Alone in a continent ( Russia not explored ) - Rohan Direks : A humane perspective on USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and modern Russia

I and my mother were sponsored by my mother's sister to have a tour in Russia and it was from 2019 August 10th to August 18th. During the tour, we visited Saint Petersberg and Moscow where the tours were organized by "Jetwing travels" with the affiliation of "Grand Rus Tours". During the tour, I and my mother were able to gain many experiences to our life.

Since I was interested in "socialism" and "Russian literature" these experiences gained from the tour was very valuable to me personally.

In our family library, there are a lot of Sinhalese translations from Russian literature, but I have only read a few. But through this exposure, I was able to understand the psyche of the Russian people.

Marxism was found by Karl Marx (1818 - 1883) which becomes a reality with the great October revolution (1917) conducted by Vladamir Lenin (1870 - 1924). This revolution also occurs in Russia.

Therefore socialism is also was born through marxism.

Based on these reasons traveling to Russia was a great experience and also impacted my personal ideology.

After visiting Russia 9 months ago reading Rohan Direks's book helped me to see new paradigms of Russia I visited.

Rohan Direks's "Alone in a continent" reveals many struggles and victories of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and modern Russia through tourist attractions he visited.

During my visit to Russia, I was only able to visit the "Peterhof" palace of St. Petersberg.

Through this book the writer has managed to share his ideas about the struggling socialism in the new liberal Russia, Joseph Stalin's cruel leadership and how he achieved great development, and also it's negative impacts and life in Russia close to the North Pole.

This book is a must-read for everyone who is interested in Russia. 

Rohan Direks is a television presenter of Sirasa Tv and also has a website named 'Sanchara'.

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