Saturday, March 25, 2023

The Sex Book (TSB) : A joyful journey of self-discovery - Leeza Mangaldas : A sex-ed nightmare


As a conservative, unmarried, thirty-one-year-old introvert, TSB was a liberal nightmare because of my lack of exposure in many areas discussed in the book.

But as a Sri Lankan what our neighboring country (India) has to say about sex life is quite an eye-opening and valuable exposure.

As I read the erotic Sinhalese novel trilogy, 'Faculty of Sex' by Chinthana Dharmadasa concepts like 'Swingers' and threesomes are exposed in this book and they are considered sexual fantasies.

And also the author has given so much weight to 'consent' which I respect her for.

As a person who prefers conservatism using 'lube' and 'sex toys' did make me uncomfortable.

But it also unlocked me to understand the modern trends in the world and what we see in porn has a scientific background.

Though some things we can't accept in the world, knowledge about it can unlock us to learn about them and avoid mistakes related to those areas.

A hard punch in the face that unlocks us into the modern trends of the world.

My 4 surprisingly high star rating is due to the book's honesty in revealing many aspects related to modern sex life.

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