Saturday, March 4, 2023

Animal Farm : George Orwell - The power of allegory


I started reading 'Animal Farm' due to its fame.

The book reminds me of Franz Kafka (1883 - 1924) and his allegorical tactics and his attention to detail in describing the stories.

George Orwell (1903 - 1950) openly criticized Joseph Stalin (1878 - 1953) the then Political leader of the USSR (United of Soviet Socialist Republics), a socialist country and it impacted the publication of the book negatively. But it bought him into the spotlight in that period and made this book a dystopian allegorical masterpiece.

The book is a metaphorical depiction of the cruelty of political leaders in colonial countries.

Countries like where I live, (Sri Lanka) have a bad history after the independence from the British and it is very close to what is reflected in this book. The political leadership and the thought process of the people are like a blueprint of 'Animal Farm', which is quite disturbing. Hence the book becomes a timeless classic.

My three-star low rating is due to the political biases of George Orwell only to attack the USSR and not respect the commonality of the theme.

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