Sunday, January 31, 2021

Corona Dayariya / කොරෝනා ඩයරිය - Milinda Rajapakse : A self boast about the three months of successful Covid-19 / Corona Virus containment (2020 March to May)


The second wave of the covid-19 / corona pandemic started in 2020 October, the first week.

I read this book in September 2020.

I'm writing this review in January 2021. During the year 2021, the pandemic became out of control and created a crisis in the country.

But this book allows the reader to enjoy and also gain some knowledge on how the current government contained the "covid-19/corona" virus in the months of March to May 2020. This is a self boast by a member of the Sri Lanka People's Party, but a good one at that.

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