Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Power of Now : Eckhart Tolle - A book that repeats itself over and over, but with a valid point

This 236-page book is written about human spirituality.

The book spans into ten (10) chapters discussing the practical use of the strength of 'presence'.

'Presence' according to the writer it is the ability to understand the current situation of his mental and physical state of life.

By understanding 'presence', the writer suggests taking your life decisions wisely.

For that, he gives insights to the reader through his book from various religions and other literature sources.

The basic idea is that the writer tries to emphasize throughout the book is to not to get fixated into deeply rooted animalistic human behavior when you are dealing with 'presence'.

The contents of the book are as follows.

Author's preface to the paperback edition
Chapter One: You are not your mind
Chapter Two: Consciousness - The way out of pain
Chapter Three: Moving deeply into the now
Chapter Four: Mind strategies for avoiding the now
Chapter Five: The state of presence
Chapter Six: The Inner Body
Chapter Seven: Portals into the unmanifested 
Chapter Eight: Enlightened Relationship
Chapter Nine: Beyond Happiness and Unhappiness there is peace
Chapter Ten: The meaning of surrender

Summarising the facts the writer believes through meditation and deeply understanding your own thoughts you can achieve your highest mental stability, intelligent and emotional quotient.

The writer throughout the 236-page book uses the pause symbol after certain passages which is a suggestion that the reader may want to stop reading for a moment, become still, and feel and experience the truth of what has just been said. 

There may be other places in the text where you will do this naturally and spontaneously. 

Simply summarised this is like a handbook to human spirituality with a practical essence.

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