Saturday, December 3, 2022

Train your Brain - Terry Horne and Simon Wootton : An 360 perspective on brain training


'Train Your Brain' was a gift to me by one of my father's friend from Sampath Bank PLC who gave it to me in the year 2010.

I read the book in year 2022.

If it was 12 years ago and I would have benefited if this book was read earlier. But anyway due to my misfortune this abundant set of infomation which is very valuable increases my regret more but also helped to increase my knowledge atleast now.

The book deals with a lot of science of how the brain works and also manages to dissect the ways and patterns of thinking in order to gain competitive advantage over brain training. (E.g. - Critical thinking, verbal thinking, visual thinking)

Some of the good things of the book is summarised in point form.

(01) Drink a lot of water

(02) Dark Chocolate

(03) Use left hand to brush teeth and write

(04) Do constantly brain training

(05) Reduce phone, PC and television screen time

(06) Exercises

(07) Reading is good for your brain, but listening and having meaningful conversations is better.

Overall a better addition to motivational and brain training books which is on par to "Think and Grow Rich" (1937).


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