Friday, April 15, 2022

Think and grow rich - Napoleon Hill : The thought process for success


"T&GR" (Think and Grow Rich) by Napoleon Hill was first published in 1937 and is a global phenomenon in self-help books.

It reflects the thought process you need to cultivate to achieve financial growth in your personal and professional life.

With world-renowned real-life examples from the United States of America (USA) and other success stories, the book reveals the power of your own thoughts.

Accordingly, if you are focused on the success you can achieve it with flying colors.

As a reader of self-help books who is thirty years old and has had a very turbulent academic and professional life feel a big regret for not reading these books early in my life. But reading them now at least gives a hope to avoid future mistakes and guide your thought process towards success and riches.

Napoleon Hill's book is evident to be more biased towards capitalism and its concepts as well as the power of the western world.

In this book, "Chapter 06 - Organized Planning" focuses on the new leadership style required by the world. It is not forced or received through hereditary but by transactional relationship or like a partnership.

Since "T&GR" was written in the times of "the great depression" in the USA (1930's) the book's perspective on leadership and mindset required to achieve success is vital for Sri Lanka under the post-covid-19 economic conditions. Sri Lanka in April 2022 is facing dire economic conditions and also is shrouded by dark in nature and corrupted politicians. So this book might give a better perspective to Sri Lankans to change their thought process to achieve success and growth as a nation and in personal life.

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