Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Rule of Why ? : Shaveen Bandaranayake - Shaveen is ambitious. He believes in capitalism and he knows marketing (As far as I know)

Shaveen Bandaranayake (SB) was famous among law students when I did law in 2011 and 2012.

But it didn't work out for me as I expected (Now I am an accountant in training [2018]), but Shaveen now having 3 Qualifications in 3 various disciplines (Law, Multimedia and Film) is now an ad-man (Advertiser), filmmaker, runner and a petrolhead (A car fanatic) has written a book.

He is the founder of "The Law simplified", "Asenshal" and "INSTAVLOGS".

Shaveen Bandaranayake's "The Rule of Why" is a very descriptive but summarised book about marketing based on his 6-year career in the advertising and marketing industry.

He has conceptualized during his 6 year's that 'the customer' actually has changed so fast that he has the upper hand against marketers. He has somewhat focused on 'shopping' and 'specialty' products in his book. [Marketing Terminology]

He discussed the 'Convenience goods' in one chapter with a relatable example but still he believes in the contemporary world the customers are the higher power due to abundant information sources like media, internet etc.

And also this book is for marketers and not for customers.

He has used so much terminology it confused me many times.

The book feels a bit stuffed with facts and hard to grasp due to it's printed format but feels good to read due to its practicality. [Examples from real life]

The author has used 'What', 'Why', 'How', 'Where', 'Who' and 'When' as the main marketing scope of a marketing campaign.

In summary,

'What' - Unique Selling Proposition [USP]
'Why' - 'USP' and the client's perception
'How' - Based on the 'brief' [how a product is better than another product]
'Where' - Which media platform [More social buzz - better]
'Who' - New brand ambassador [The demographics of buyers]
'When' - Seasonal or which time of day [More social buzz - better]

If the formatting and a more elaborative text were existant this 54 page, rupees 225 valued book would have been a real academic textbook with a new marketing perspective. 


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