Saturday, March 20, 2021

A Sri Lankan "Cinema Paradiso" (1988) - Bringing Tony Home : A story in three movements by Tissa Abeysekara


Tissa Abeysekara's Gratiaen prize-winning novella of 1996 is a story that includes a reminiscing of the past of one of the best artists Sri Lanka has ever produced.

The writer of this book unlocks the readers a beautiful world of post-independent Sri Lanka.

I read the Surasa publication for the year 2016 with 100 pages that cost rupees 300/=.

The story gives the vibes of the academy award-winning film "Cinema Paradiso" (1988) by the renowned filmmaker Giuseppe Tornatore.

A book that reminds the power of nostalgia is a wonderful short and sweet reading experience.

Overall Rating - 4/5

Kafkaesque pain and Tennyson Perera's request to the readers combined with a civilized touch : Roopantharanaya ( රූපාන්තරණය ) : by Tennyson Perera


Franz Kafka (1883 - 1924) or Tennyson Perera ( 1940 - Present ) are not writer's of my generation. But after watching "Swaroopa" (ස්වරූප) (2014), a film based on the novella "Metamorphosis" (1913) by the great Dharmasena Pathiraja, (1943 - 2018) the shock, and the attraction lead me to read the English and Sinhala translations of the same book. 

Due to the immense service rendered to Sinhalese literature by Tennyson Perera by writing a large sum of books he is famous even in the present.

This Sinhala translation was made referring to Stanley Corngold's (1934 - Present) English translation.

When reading the English and Sinhalese translations it is evident that Tennyson Perera reflects surrealism in a different view than Franz Kafka.

"Kafka-Time" is an emphasis done by the English translator of "Metamorphosis", Michael Hoffman (1957 - Present) that I read about Kafka's writing style. Under this emphasis, the translator explains that the time spent in a moment of a story elaborating an event that took place in the stories differs from one place in the story to another, in the writing style. This is sometimes very attractive as well as sometimes a tiring experience to the reader. Considering the period Kafka lived and did his work as a writer these contributions to global literature are a great deal though I'm not a specialist or an expert in literature.

These aspects have been well identified by Tennyson Perera creating a piece of evidence or a mark that two writers of two generations and two nations have understood the objectives of each other. This is very valuable for readers.

Kafkaesque pain and cruelty are very creative beyond imagination. In these observations, the surreal nature of human perspective after the industrial revolution in the western world is materialized by the writer in his imagination. By adding the kind-hearted cultured perception of the eastern world in the back cover of the Sinhalese translation, Tennyson Perera has shown the clash of cultures in the eastern and western worlds. But considering the sad and bad state, our country is in the past seventy years after independence from the British it is evident that it is just as a cultural camouflage.

Though reading Kafka was a very tiring experience it unveiled me to a complex literature process and an enjoyable read.

Overall rating  - 3/5



කැෆ්කෙයානු වේදනාව සහ ටෙනිසන් පෙරේරාගේ සභ්‍යත්වය සමඟ බැඳෙන මානුෂීය ඉල්ලීම : රූපාන්තරණය - ටෙනිසන් පෙරේරා


ෆ්‍රාන්ස් කෆ්කා (1883 - 1924) හෝ ටෙනිසන් පෙරේරා (1940 - වර්තමානය) මාගේ පරම්පරාවේ සාහිත්‍යකරුවන් නොවේ. නමුත් 2014 වර්ශයේදී ශ්‍රේෂ්ඨ ධර්මසේන පතිරාජ (1943 - 2018) ගේ "ස්වරූප" (2014) චිත්‍රපටය නැරඹීමෙන් ලද ආශ්වාදය සහ කම්පනය නිසා මෙම දෙදෙනාගේම කෘති දෙක කියවීමට මා ආකර්ශනය විය.

ටෙනිසන් පෙරේරාගේ අති විශාල සාහිත්‍යමය දායකත්වය නිසා ඔහු සිංහල සාහිත්‍යයයේ වර්තමානයේද ප්‍රකටය.

ස්ටැන්ලි කොර්න්ගොල්ඩ් (1934 - වර්තමානය) ගේ ඉංග්‍රීසි පරිවර්තනයක් ඇසුරෙන් මෙම සිංහල පරිවර්තනය බිහිවී ඇත. 

මෙම කෘති කියවීමේදී අපට පෙනෙන්නේ අධියතාර්ත්වාදය කෆ්කාගේ මනසින් ටෙනිසන් පෙරේරා වෙනස් ආකාරයට දකින බවයි.

මා කියවූ ඉංග්‍රීසි පරිවර්තනයේදී Metamorphosis ඇතුළු අනෙකුත් කතා ගැන මයිකල් හොෆ්මාන් (1957 - වර්තමානය) නම් පරිවර්තකයා මතුකරන සාධකයකි, කෆ්කා කාලය. (Kafka-Time) එනම් කතාවේ යම් අවස්ථාවක් වර්ණනයට හා සිද්ධියක් සිදුවීමට කතාවේ ගතවන කාලය අවස්ථාවෙන් අවස්ථාවට වෙනස්වීමයි. මෙය විටෙක අකාර්ශනීය වන අතර විටෙක කියවන පාඨකයාට හිසරදයකි. නමුත් එය සිතාගත නොහැකි තරම් වර්ණවත් මෙන්ම සාහිත්‍යමය නව්‍යතාවයකි, කෆ්කාගේ ජීවත් වූ කාලය හා සසඳන විට. මම සාහිත්‍යය විශේෂඥයකු නොවුවත් මා සාහිත්‍යයට මෙවැනි ඉතා සියුම්ව දක්වන දායකත්වයට කැමැත්තෙමි.

මෙම සාධකය ඉතා හොඳින් ටෙනිසන් පෙරේරා තම පරිවර්තනයට ඇඳා ගැනීම ඉතාමත් නිර්මාණාත්මක සාධකයකි. එය දේශයන් දෙකක පරපුරවල් දෙකක සාහිත්‍යකරුවන් වටහාගැනීම ඉතාම වටිනා සාධකයකි, පාඨකයන්ට.

කෆ්කාගේ කථා තුල දිවෙන කෆ්කයානු කෘරත්වය සහ වේදනාව පැහැදිලි කළ නොහැකි තරම් නිර්මාණාත්මකය. එය තුළ අපරදිග සංස්කෘතිය තුළ ඇති කාර්මික විප්ලවයෙන් පසු ඇති වූ ශීඝ්‍ර සංවර්ධනය හා බද්ධ වූ අධියතර්තවාදී මානව දැක්ම විශද වේ. නමුත් පෙරදිග පවත්නා මානුෂිය සංස්කෘතික කරුණාව පරිවර්තනයේ පසුවදනේ දැක්වීම හරහා ටෙනිසන් පෙරේරා අපරදිග හා පෙරදිග සංස්කෘතියේ වෙනස පෙන්වීමට සමත් වී ඇත. නමුත් මෙය හුදු සංස්කෘතික වහන්තරවේ කොටසක් බව වර්තමාන මෙන්ම අතීත ශ්‍රී ලංකිකයා රටේ තත්ත්වය අනුව ප්‍රත්‍යක්ෂ කරගෙන ඇත.

කෆ්කා කියවීම මා හට අපහසු වුවද එය රසවත් මෙන්ම සංකීර්ණ සාහිත්‍යමය ක්‍රියාවලියක් විය.

සමස්ත ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම - 3/5


The quirky absurdity of Franz Kafka (Surreal humour) : Metamorphosis and other stories - Franz Kafka (Translated to English by Michael Hofmann)


Kafka is not from my generation. I'm at least two generations apart from his writing and his influence on literature. He has inspired many writers around the world to seek new dimensions in literature. Even filmmakers are influenced by him. He is a trendsetter who changed the path of literature. His fame lead me to follow up on his writing.

Franz Kafka (1883 - 1924) was a writer who wrote in German language. I was exposed to him from a Sri Lankan Sinhalese film that was directed by the great Dharmasena Pathiraja (1943 - 2018) titled "Swaroopa" (ස්වරූප) (2014) based on his most famous novella "Metamorphosis" (1913).

With that inspiration, I also bought the Sinhala language translation of the same book by the renowned writer Tennyson Perera (1940 - Present). This book contains a literary review written by Saman Wickramarachchi (1952 - Present).

The book I read is translated to English by a renowned English language lecturer Michael Hofmann. (1957 - Present)

As an amateur English language reader for me, the greatness that lies within Franz Kafka is his ability to create surreal humour with a bleak tone in writing. And also his writing style is unique with a use of language that is not evident in any writing of his time.

It's very innovative for his time considering how he manipulated absurdity in such short paragraphs and stories.

His "The judgement: A story for F." (1913) is very creative writing that unlocks new paradigms of the social context that was evident during the time this relevant story took place.

"The Metamorphosis" (1913) is a dark and cruel story about Gregor Samsa and how he comes to face his sad fate.

The movie ["Swaroopa" (ස්වරූප) (2014)] reflects from the perspective of Gregor Samsa's family members.

This book contains the stories that were published during the writer's lifetime and garnered him some respect and recognition in the world of literature.

Kafka is like a writer who envisions the realities of the world through a different scope by altering the storylines and narratives through creative absurdity in writing and explores a sarcastic vision to his life and the life of his stories. Many allegorical tactics are evident when reading his novellas and short stories.

Cruelty is the main characteristic of Franz Kafka's stories.

Kafka's language and structure are very complex and hard to understand hence it forces the readers to read the stories multiple times.

Kafka's attention to detail in the stories is very commendable and creates a sense of awe in the minds of the readers.

Sometimes the surreal nature of his stories (Kafka) makes the reader feel pointless in following up his stories, but it is also a reminder that what is surrealism is all about.

The short story " A report to an academy " (1917) is an allegorical vision of human evolution and how it reflects the transition to the modernity of human beings. This short story is a part of "A country Doctor: Short Prose for my father" (1920)

Reading Franz Kafka is hard but it is very innovative hence allows the readers to find new paradigms.

A great surreal part reading experience.

Overall rating - 3/5