Sunday, May 19, 2019

A drizzle to the Sinhalese literature of Sociology, Criminology and Humanities : Deviance and Social Control - Michael S. Bassis / Richard J Gelles / Ann Levine \ අපගාමිත්වය සහ සමාජ පාලනය - අනුවර්තනය : සුධීර ජයවීර

Due to the poverty of research in Sri Lankan Sinhalese literature of Sociology, criminology, and humanities the researcher, writer and translator Mr. Sudheera Jayaweera has translated the research of 87 pages and to a cost of Rs. 200 /= LKR.

This objective is mentioned in the 'Translators Notes' at the beginning of the book and the research.

Deviance is the fact or state of diverging from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.

Labeling theory is the theory of how the self-identity and behavior of individuals may be determined or influenced by the terms used to describe or classify them. It is associated with the concepts of self-fulfilling prophecy and stereotyping.

Moral Entrepreneurs, The politics of Labelling, Deviant Identities, Deviant careers, and Resisting Labels are some of the theories and concepts discussed in this book.

This book is not available separately on the internet but there are a 'Sociology' textbook under the three (03) writers names.

The link for the book is shared below.

The writers Michael S. Bassis, Richard J. Gelles and Ann Levine have only used examples from the United States (US).

Many social deviances and crimes are available throughout the book. The legal aspects and the impact of abortions are also discussed in the book.

This is fresh academic research for Sinhalese literature readers and also for thousands of sociology literature readers in Sri Lanka.

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